Speed of universal service broadband set at 5 Mbit/s
Published : 22 Oct 2021, 02:47
The universal speed of the universal service broadband, which refers to appropriate internet connections, will be increased from the current speed tier of 2 Mbit per second to 5 Mbit per second, said the Ministry of Transport and Communications in a press release.
The government issued a Decree on the matter on Thursday, which will enter into force on 25 October.
However, under the Decree, for incoming internet traffic, the minimum speed should be at least 3.5 Mbit/s, the normal speed at least 4.5 Mbit/s and the maximum speed at least 5 Mbit/s.
Minimum speed refers to the minimum speed of a subscriber connection, which is almost always maintained.
Normal speed is the speed that is maintained in 90 per cent of cases during each four-hour measurement period. Maximum speed refers to a speed that is maintained at least for part of the time.
Universal service is the last-resort safety net guaranteeing access to basic services if market-based solutions are not available. The universal service is available for consumers and micro-enterprises.
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency may designate a telecom operator for the role of a universal service enterprise within a certain geographical area.
At the moment, universal service enterprises have mainly been designated in sparsely populated areas in northern Lapland and near the eastern border of Finland.