Published: 19:33 pm,Wednesday 22 March 2023

It’s for people to choose right candidates in parliamentary polls
The parliamentary elections will be held on April 2 when Finns will elect 200 lawmakers out of 2424 candidates for the next four-year term. The advance voting in the elections, which began on March 22, will continue till March 28 in Finland and March 25 at Finnish missions abroad. The
Published: 19:13 pm,Saturday 31 October 2020

Terrorist attacks by militant refugees need to be stopped at any cost
The Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo) published its National Security Review on 29 October, saying that individuals or small groups supporting radical Islamism or far-right ideologies pose the greatest threat of terrorism in Finland. The threat is likely to remain at level two (elevated) on the four-level scale
Published: 14:07 pm,Wednesday 23 September 2020

PVL ban takes Finland way ahead in its war on racism, disparity
The Supreme Court (Korkein oikeus) on Tuesday upheld the verdict of the appeal court banning the neo-Nazi group Nordic Resistance Movement (Finnish acronym PVL), which abolishes the existence of the organisation involved in hate speech and violence against foreigners and Jews in Finland. The National Police Board took the
Published: 14:24 pm,Monday 23 March 2020

People must stay home to avoid coronavirus disaster
Like elsewhere in the world, the number of cases of coronavirus infections in Finland is rising alarmingly day by day. So far one person has died of the fatal disease and 700 others have been infected with the virus till March 23. Expert, however, feared that the number of
Published: 09:38 am,Monday 12 August 2019

Reduced doctors’ fees must for optimal healthcare
A few days ago, a middle aged man told me that nowadays, if it is not very urgent, he is not interested to go to a hospital to consult a doctor. Instead, he normally tries to make a phone call and gets instruction from the nurse. The reason
Published: 18:43 pm,Tuesday 18 June 2019

Let us make summer happier for children
Summer vacation as been going on in Finnish schools since the month began. Children are passing more time outdoors, riding bicycles, playing in parks and playgrounds. Although there are some playgrounds, swimming places and activities parks in Rovaniemi, there still are scopes to create more opportunities to make
Published: 12:34 pm,Thursday 31 January 2019

Election campaign in anti-immigrant sentiment unfortunate
The incident of sexual abuse against under-aged girls by some rejected asylum-seekers in Oulu is not only shocking but also one of the heinous acts. We strongly protest at the incident and demand immediate trials of the criminals. We want their punishment, if they are criminals. It does