Wednesday February 05, 2025

Daily Finland committed to free, fair and objective journalism

Published : 10 Mar 2017, 03:38

Updated : 04 Apr 2017, 03:01

  DF Report

English language online newspaper Daily Finland ( hits the market this month with the view to update Finnish news in English regularly for the people living in Finland and across the globe as well.

Although the Daily Finland is a new venture, I would like to introduce the people working behind it including myself, which will help the readers to get an initial idea about the activities and quality of the newly introduced daily.

I hope you may remember the now defunct Finland Times, which I launched four years ago and earned credibility among the readers, although it stopped activities late 2016.

All the journalists and staff have decided after threadbare discussions to go for a new, cutting edge, interactive, free of influence and, at the same time, more entertaining and diversified resulting the publication of Daily Finland.

As a journalism student, media researcher and a professional journalist, I along with the whole editorial team (most of them having solid academic and professional background and working experiences in reputed international news media) committed to maintain objective role and ethical norms of the daily.

Every venture has a mission. We, at Daily Finland, are trying to present absolutely unbiased news and information and, in the process, build up trust among our readers at home and abroad. With the slogan “where accuracy is dealt with acumen,” the online newspaper has always strived to practise objective journalism beyond any political agenda or gossip, trying only to disseminate undistorted, un-tampered facts.

I hope the Daily Finland will be considered a global window of Finland, where the majesty of “White nights” and “Dark days” enthrall people in the other parts of the planet.

It will try to accommodate information on heritage, history, society, culture, politics and polity, life, business, lifestyle and so on that directly or indirectly linked to more than 5.2 million people living presently in the Nordic country and the generations to come.

Now a day the internationalization puts significant positive impact on Finland and the demand for an English language news medium is very much logical, particularly at the Finnish Lapland, the home town of Daily Finland where the number of foreign tourists from Asia, Europe and other parts of the globe is increasing rapidly.

As the founding Editot-in-Chief Editor I got support and cooperation from the people for my publication in the past and I expect similar cooperation from all of you to run the Daily Finland smoothly.

Daily Finland is always with you, no matter wherever you stay. The on-line newspaper always values your feedback to improve further its content to serve you better.