Friday March 07, 2025

Clyde H. Bailey Medal goes to Kaisa Poutanen

Published : 18 Nov 2017, 00:04

Updated : 18 Nov 2017, 09:54

  DF Report
Photo Source VTT.

The ICC Academy (ICC - International Association for Cereal Science and Technology) granted VTT's KaisaPoutanen, Research Professor in Food Technology, its most highly regarded prize, the Clyde H. Bailey Medal.

The medal was awarded on November 14, for major achievements in cereals research, technology development, and the health effects of whole grains, said a VTT Press release on Friday.

KaisaPoutanen's cereal-related research has focused on whole grains and dietary fibre, as well as bio-processing and the health effects of whole grain products in particular.

She has led several major international projects such as a cooperation network on Nordic rye and an EU food waste project for the development of healthy cereal products.

The ICC Academy's Clyde H Bailey Medal has so far been awarded 13 times, between 1970 and 2016. KaisaPoutanen is the first Nordic researcher to join this group.

Since part of Poutanen's ground-breaking research is associated with the insulin metabolism of rye products, it was highly appropriate that the medal was awarded on 14th November - World Diabetes Day.

“The 'insulin factor' in rye remains a subject of intense research, since less insulin is required to regulate blood sugar after ingesting rye than after wheat products, for example. Nutrition and the related whole grain products are an important component in the fight against the growing phenomenon of type-2 diabetes,” said KaisaPoutanen.

The ICC is an international organisation operating in five continents, with 24 countries among its members. Cereals are an important basic nutrient, particularly in developing countries, and the ICC's mission is to create and distribute information on the production of safe and healthy cereal products all over the world.

The medal was awarded at the International Whole Grain Summit 2017 in Vienna on November14, 2017.