Friday September 20, 2024

Lowest population growth in Norway since 2006

Published : 21 Aug 2017, 22:22

  DF-Xinhua Report
Photo Source: Kela.

Low figures for immigrations and births in Norway resulted in the lowest population growth in the second quarter since 2006, the country's statistics bureau said on Monday.

New figures shows the population grew by 10,600 people to at total of 5,278,000 on July 1, 2017, according to Statistics Norway, the Nordic country's statistics bureau.

This is the lowest population growth in the second quarter in Norway since the high labour influx started in 2006 following the European Union (EU) expansion in eastern Europe.

About 12,400 persons were registered as immigrated and 15,100 children were born in the second quarter. At the same time, 7,200 persons emigrated and 9,700 persons died.

This resulted in a net migration of 5,200 people and an excess of births of 5,400, the statistics bureau said.

In recent years, the net immigration of Eastern European citizens, who mostly have immigrated because of work, has subsided, while immigration from countries with conflicts has increased.

But in this year there is a decline in immigration from countries with conflicts. Comparisons with figures from the second quarter of 2016 show that net immigration from Syria and Eritrea has roughly halved. Net immigration from countries such as Afghanistan, Sudan and Somalia is also decreasing.