Friday September 20, 2024

Spin evaluates extra security presence following Barcelona attacks

Published : 23 Aug 2017, 00:09

  DF-Xinhua Report
Spanish policemen stand guard outside Hospital del Mar, where the injured are hospitalized in Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 19, 2017. Photo Xinhua.

Spanish Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido on Tuesday met representatives of Spain's police and Civil Guard and Jose Antonio Nieto, the Secretary of State for Security, to evaluate extra security measures in the country in the wake of Thursday's terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils.

Although the government Anti-Terrorism Committee on Saturday decided against raising the level of threat for another terrorist attack from the current level 4 to the maximum level 5, the Committee did decide to implant extra short and medium term security measures.

One of the keys in Tuesday's meeting was to analyze extra security measures at places or events attracting large numbers of people "with special reference to tourist zones."

Zoido highlighted "the capacity for prevention and reaction" as well as the need to update data over terrorist organizations.

Tuesday also saw the four surviving terrorists from the 12-man cell which killed 15 people in Barcelona and Cambrils appear in the Spanish National High Court.

Mohamed Houli Chemal, Dris Oukbar, Mohammed Alla and Salh Karib arrived at the court in the heart of Madrid at 8 a.m. local time to be questioned by the Judge, Fernando Andreu, who among other issues will be investigating if the cell had help from abroad after it was revealed some members of the cell made a "rapid" visit to Paris on 1Aug. 11 and 12, while Abdelbaki Es Satti, the imam who is thought to have radicalized the terrorists, is known to have spent considerable time in Belgium.

Es Satti was killed in the explosion in Alcanar, which killed another cell member and injured Houli Chemal.