Friday September 20, 2024

Slovakia carrying out operation in Mediterranean area

Published : 24 Aug 2017, 22:47

  DF-Xinhua Report
An illegal migrant rescued by Libyan coastguard sits upon arrival in the Libyan capital Tripoli's eastern suburb of Tajoura, Aug. 6, 2017. File Photo Xinhua.

Slovak military police officers are currently operating along with their German colleagues in the Mediterranean Sea in EUNAVFOR MED Sophia military mission, the Slovak Defence Ministry's spokesperson Danka Capakova said on Thursday.

According to Capakova, their main task is to monitor the Libyan coast and to carry out related tasks against illegal migration in this area.

"The first stop of the military police officers after joining the operation in the German port of Wilhelmshaven was the Italian port city of Augusta, where materials and supplies were replenished. After that, they set off directly to sea on a German navy frigate," said Capakova.

Slovakia deployed the military police officers to the EUNAVFOR MED Sophia operation in the Mediterranean Sea as part of the country's contribution to the joint protection of the southern borders of the European Union.

"This is the first maritime operation that Slovakia has joined. The Slovak police officers will spend six months on the first tour of duty before being replaced by their Slovak colleagues for the second," added Capakova.

The EUNAVFOR MED Sophia operation is aimed at patrolling international waters close to the Libyan coast and at apprehending anyone suspected of smuggling migrants to Europe.