Protests erupt in Europe against COVID-19 restrictions
Published : 22 Nov 2021, 02:01
Around 35,000 demonstrators gathered in the streets of Brussels on Sunday to protest against the newly adopted COVID-19 restrictive measures, reported Xinhua.
The march started around 1:00 p.m. outside the Brussels North Station, with protesters bracing placards saying "Freedom," "Fear is a bad engine" or "No to the Pass."
Police were forced to deploy water cannons and tear gas to fend off violent demonstrators who threw fireworks at officers.
The situation is now back to normal and transport links have reopened, said the police.
New measures to curb the spike in COVID-19 infections in Belgium entered into force on Saturday, mandating the use of masks in areas where a COVID Safe Ticket (CST) is required.
A "COVID Safe Ticket Plus" rule, combining the CST with mandatory mask-wearing, is now applied indoors for anyone above the age of 10.
The authorities, expected to meet again in January, have asked people to respect the 1.5-meter social distancing rule indoors and limit social contacts outdoors, though no "bubbles" will be imposed for now.
Nightclubs, public and private events of more than 50 people indoors and 100 outdoors will also require the use of a CST and a mask.
Meanwhile, In the Netherlands, a second night of riots broke out on Saturday in several towns and cities, reported British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
Hooded rioters set fire to bicycles in The Hague, as riot police used horses, dogs and batons to chase the crowds away. Officials announced an emergency order in the city, and at least seven people were arrested.
Tens of thousands of people protested in Austria's capital, Vienna, after the government announced a new national lockdown and plans to make jabs compulsory in February 2022. It is the first European country to make vaccination a legal requirement, said the BBC report.
Brandishing national flags and banners reading "Freedom", protesters shouted "Resistance!" and booed the police.
During the weekend, protests were also held in Helsinki, Croatia, Italy, France and some other EU countries.