Germany delivers 3,000 tons of donated food to Ukraine
Published : 19 Mar 2022, 21:53
More than 3,000 tons of donated food from Germany have arrived Ukraine via Poland under the coordination of the Food and Agriculture Ministry, reported dpa.
Some 100 truckloads with almost 3,300 pallets were used to deliver staple foods, water, juice, baby food and canned fish and meat, German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir said on Saturday.
The products were mainly donated by several German retail and food companies.
The supplies were distributed in the direction of Kharkiv, Kiev, Zaporizhia and Chernihiv.
A federal coordination office for commercial donations was set up to bring together requests from Ukraine and offers from private entities.
Meanwhile, private and public organizations in Germany were responding to Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war. German Federal Police have counted 207,742 so far, the Interior Ministry said on Saturday.
Only refugees who are encountered by the Federal Police, for example at the Austrian-Bavarian border, at railway stations or on trains, are recorded.
As a rule, there are no fixed controls at the EU's internal borders, and Ukrainians are allowed to enter the country without a visa. It is not known how many of the refugees may travel on from Germany to friends or relatives in other countries.