Corruption, unemployment are major concerns of Spaniards: poll
Published : 10 Jan 2018, 00:24
Corruption and unemployment are the major concerns of Spaniards, according to a survey published Tuesday.
The monthly barometer of public opinion, published by the Spanish Center for Sociological Investigations (CIS), shows a total of 66.8 percent of those polled said unemployment continues to be their main worry, while corruption is still a major concern for 31.7 percent.
The poll also showed a large drop in fears that Catalonia could separate from Spain.
According to the latest survey, 16.7 percent said they were concerned about Catalan separatism, compared with 24.6 percent previously and the issue has fallen from fourth to fifth in the list of what most worries the Spanish.
The last CIS survey was published shortly after the former regional government of Carles Puigdemont made a unilateral declaration of independence on Oct. 27 leading Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to suspend Catalan autonomy and call new elections in the region.