Friday September 20, 2024

14,100 refugees enter EU in April: Frontex

Published : 16 May 2017, 20:52

  DF-Xinhua Report
Migrants arrive at a naval base in Tripoli, capital of Libya, on May 10, 2017. Libyan navy on Wednesday rescued more than 300 migrants off the coast of Sabratha in western Libya as they were on their way to Europe. File Photo Xinhua.

Over 14,100 migrants illegally crossed into the European Union (EU) in April, 2 percent more than in March, said Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, on Tuesday.

The total number of illegal border crossings by migrants in the first four months fell 84 percent from the same period of last year to 47,000, according to Frontex's statement.

Italy continued to face high migratory pressure on three main migratory routes into the EU -- the Central Mediterranean, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Western Balkans.

The number of migrants arriving in Italy through the Central Mediterranean route in April rose by 19 percent to 12,900 compared with March.

Nationals from Nigeria, Bangladesh and Cote d'Ivoire accounted for the largest number of migrant arrivals.

The number of migrants coming to the Greek islands dropped to 1,200 in April, 68 percent lower than in April 2016.

Since the EU-Turkey refugee deal came into force in 2016, the refugees crossing the Aegean Sea to the Greek islands dropped obviously.