Finnish population projected to slide from 2031
Published : 01 Oct 2019, 01:36
Updated : 01 Oct 2019, 20:53
If the birth rate remains at the current level, there will be no regions in Finland where the number of births would exceed deaths in the next 15 years, according to Statistics Finland's latest population projection.
Based on the current developments, Finland’s population would start plummeting decreasing in 2031. In 2050, the population would be some 100,000 lower than what is now.
In 2040, the population in mainland Finland will grow only in the region of Uusimaa. In 2018, the population grew in four regions and in Åland.
According to the projection, the population would only grow in the regions of Uusimaa and Pirkanmaa, and in Åland in 2035. In 2040, the population in mainland Finland would grow only in Uusimaa and even there only due to migration gain.
In 2018, there were 60 municipalities in Finland where births exceeded deaths.
According to the projection, there would be 35 municipalities in Finland where births would exceed deaths in 2030 and by 2040 only 12.