Fast alcohol test kit launched for drivers
Published : 23 Aug 2017, 00:51
Updated : 23 Aug 2017, 12:39
Finnish company Goodwiller has launched a rapid alcohol test it has developed in collaboration with VTT to measure the blood alcohol content from saliva samples.
The disposable test kit fits easily in a small wallet and the test reveals one’s fitness to drive within a couple of minutes, said a press release.
The test is based on the use of printed biochemical ingredients.
“On the basis of a saliva sample, the innovation indicates when the blood alcohol content exceeds 0.2% (promilles). The test result is indicated as the darkening of the test strip’s 'intelligent paper areas’,” said VTT Project Manager Marika Kurkinen.
If the green control zone on the test strip becomes darker, it indicates that the blood alcohol content is less than 0.2%, and the test functions properly. If the yellow area on the test strip gets darker, it means the blood alcohol content has risen above 0.2%.
“With the alcohol test, we want to provide consumers with an easy and convenient way for ensuring that they are fit to drive and are capable to act responsibly in traffic,” Goodwiller CEO Petri Särkelä said.
According to estimates, the use of different self-diagnostic tests related to health and well-being will increase significantly in the future. The printed intelligence technology developed by VTT enables a cost-efficient and large-scale production.