Fully vaccinated people can meet others at home without mask
Published : 15 Jun 2021, 04:24
Fully vaccinated persons can meet other people at home quite safely without wearing a face mask or keeping social distance in some conditions, said the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) on Monday.
The recommendation to use masks in public spaces and in public transport, for example, remains valid and it applies to both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, said the THL in a press release.
A person is considered to be fully vaccinated after having received the full series of vaccine - for the vaccines in use in Finland this means two doses.
The condition for this is that at least one week has passed from the second vaccination, to ensure that the protection from vaccination is sufficiently developed.
The instructions also apply to people who have had a laboratory confirmed coronavirus infection and have received at least one dose of coronavirus vaccine. In such a case at least one week must have passed from the vaccination.
People can meet the other people in an indoor private space, for example at home or a summer cottage, and those people are also fully vaccinated. In such a case the risk of an infection is very small.
They can meet unvaccinated people in an indoor private space, and those people are all from the same household. Anyone can visit a family of friends, for example.
A condition for this is that none of the unvaccinated belong to an at-risk group for a severe coronavirus disease. In such a situation the risk that vaccinated people and the others who are present might get infected is low.
In everyday life these instructions mean, for example, that a fully vaccinated person may invite fully vaccinated people into their homes for a meal without masks or social distancing. Grandparents can meet their unvaccinated children and grandchildren if the children and grandchildren are healthy and do not belong to an at-risk group for severe coronavirus disease.
Meeting in a private indoor space means meeting in one's home or that of someone else, or at a summer cottage or equivalent location – for example, on a boat.
“It is important to recognise that as long as the virus is extensively circulating among the population, no encounters are completely risk-free. Also, nobody is required to tell others about their vaccination status or their illnesses. If there is uncertainty about vaccination status or risk groups, it is always best to use a mask and maintain a safe distance”, said Otto Helve, Chief Physician at THL.
“However, it is good to keep in mind that the vaccination will not completely prevent infections. Consequently, it is important to use a mask and to keep safety distances when a vaccinated person meets people who do not yet have the protection afforded by a vaccine. An illness or medication that significantly weakens the immune system can also weaken the effectiveness of the vaccine”, Helve added.