Free influenza vaccinations for risk groups in Nov
Published : 26 Oct 2022, 02:27
Many municipalities will begin offering influenza vaccinations for at-risk groups at the start of November, said the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) on Tuesday.
The vaccination is available free of charge for those for whom influenza poses a significant threat, or whose health could significantly benefit from an influenza vaccination.
The free influenza vaccination is available to all who are susceptible to a severe case of influenza, people over the age of 65, children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years, pregnant women, risk group people because of a disease or treatment.
In addition, influenza vaccinations are also given free of charge to men starting their military service and women starting their voluntary military service, persons who live or are spending extensive periods in institutional conditions, employees of social and health care services and employees working with the pharmaceutical service who are in close contact with patients or customers.
People who are repeatedly in close contact with a person who is especially susceptible to severe influenza, or with those who are susceptible to severe influenza who cannot be protected by the vaccine.
THL also recommends influenza vaccines for those who are repeatedly in close contact with persons susceptible to severe influenza, but who are not included among those who are entitled to free vaccinations.
The vaccination programme for the 2022-2023 influenza season uses the injected VaxigripTetra vaccine for all age groups.
For children aged 2-6 the FluenzTetra nasal spray vaccine is available. The same preparations were also in use in the previous season, but two of the four viral strains that they contain have been changed since last year, in accordance with recommendations from the World Health Organisation.
“The WHO checks the viral strains in the vaccines at half-year intervals to make ensure maximum protection against the viral strains predicted for the coming season”, said THL Chief Physician Hanna Nohynek.