SPR appeals for more blood donation
Published : 26 Dec 2017, 14:18
Updated : 26 Dec 2017, 14:26
There is shortage of blood at the Finnish Red Cross (SPR) blood service centres for almost all the blood groups.
Blood donors are needed urgently for all the blood groups except blood type AB+, reported local media.
"This morning, blood group O was the least in the storage with 65 new (blood) bags needed every day," said Pihla Pälvi, a nurse at the Finnish Red Cross stationed at the Helsinki Sanomatalo Blood Service Centre.
In addition to Red Cross blood service centres, blood donation centres are open except on New Year's Day in more than 20 municipalities. It is possible to donate blood on Boxing Day at the Red Cross blood service centres.
People who wish to donate blood are advised to visit the Blood Service Centre website for more information on location, opening hours and blood donor criteria.
800 donors are needed every working day in the country to treat patients .Red blood cells is given for instance, to surgical patients and premature babies, while platelets is given to cancer patients. Plasma on the other hand is used in treatment of bleeding disorders.
Generally, a person aged between 18 and 70 who weights at least 50 kg is eligible to donate the blood. More information on blood donation eligibility is available on the Finnish Red Cross blood centre website.