Finns´ trust in political decision, healthcare on wane: THL
Published : 28 Jan 2025, 21:09
Updated : 06 Feb 2025, 03:52
Finnish people´s trust in frameworks such as political decision-making and the healthcare system has declined in recent years, according to a recent report by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).
The feeling of insecurity has also become more common, especially among older people, said the THL in a press release on Tuesday referring to the report.
The report, however, said that most Finns feel safe in their lives and trust societal actors and their loved ones.
“Trust is at the core of both social sustainability and mental resilience in a crisis. In Finland, trust is still at an internationally high standard. But there is a risk of this foundation eroding if inequality and exclusion increase”, said Laura Kestilä, Chief Researcher of THL.
“In times of geopolitical uncertainty and overlapping crises, societal discourse is often harsh. Matters related to population welfare and health get easily overshadowed, even though it would be especially important to talk about them”, Kestilä added.
Mika Salminen, Director General of THL, emphasised that ensuring the population’s health, welfare and mental resilience in a crisis are essential elements of comprehensive safety.
“We at THL take our statutory tasks seriously. Still, the only ideology that guides us is defending human health, welfare and everyday safety. That’s why we will not hesitate to share our knowledge-based assessments, which are not dependent on whichever way the political winds happen to be blowing”, Salminen said.
Population Health and Wellbeing Report 2025 is a research-based description of Finland’s current problems, drawn up jointly by about a hundred experts.
The recent publication titled Solutions for building a sustainable society, prepared by THL, Kela and the Finnish Cancer Registry, contains 114 practical socio-political recommendations that can be used to solve those problems and subsequently strengthen social sustainability.
According to the report, the most efficient way to support welfare is by ensuring that the prerequisites of life, services and everyday safety are in order. One mentioned measure is assessing the poverty impacts of past and future adjustments to social security as a whole, including their multiplying effects on families and society.
“Financial problems have clearly become more common. The state, regions and municipalities need to avoid measures that undermine the basic prerequisites of life. The decline in satisfaction with life cannot continue”, said Research Professor Sakari Karvonen.
Health inequality is not only reflected in differences related to region, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic status, but also in exclusion: poverty, homelessness, loneliness and discrimination.
One in ten adults experience loneliness, and the same number applies to poor inclusion.
“People often talk about inequality in terms of justice. But now we are starting to see that it is also about costs. We could achieve significant savings if we could pre-empt health and social inequalities”, said Karvonen.
The service needs of the population are growing and changing as the population ages and lifestyles become more diverse, which sets new demands for the service system.
“Our extensive report shows that we could use fairly straightforward measures to reduce morbidity and save billions in costs. We can achieve a lot if we prioritise the necessary measures in society and if decision-makers find the courage to make bold decisions”, said Salminen.
For example, halting the increase in obesity would save EUR 1.5 billion in the health services and prescription medicines of the adult population over a decade’s time.
Doing so requires concrete measures that make healthy choices easier and more accessible.
The report recommended measures such as health-based price policy, community structures that support walking and cycling, and ensuring sufficient resources for public food services.