Birth rate remains low in Finland in Jan-Oct
Published : 26 Nov 2018, 04:05
Updated : 26 Nov 2018, 09:51
The number of births was 4,673 lower than that of deaths during January to October this year, according to Statistics Finland.
During January-October, 40,074 children were born, which is 2,546 fewer than in the corresponding period in 2017. The number of deaths was 44,747, which is 23 lower than one year earlier.
The number of country's population, however, increased by 8,403 persons in January -October period as the migration gained from abroad, since immigration exceeded emigration by 13,076.
According to the preliminary statistics for October, 26,838 persons immigrated to Finland from abroad and 13,762 persons emigrated from Finland. The number of immigrants was 419 lower and the number of emigrants 838 lower than in the corresponding period of the previous year. In all, 7,372 of the immigrants and 9,239 of the emigrants were Finnish citizens.
According to the preliminary data, the number of inter-municipal migrations totalled 246,587 during January-October. Compared with the corresponding period in 2017, the increase was 52 migrations according to the municipal division of 2018.