Finland’s birth rate still low in Jan-Nov 2018
Published : 26 Dec 2018, 01:40
Updated : 26 Dec 2018, 17:58
A total of 43,786 children babies were born in the country in the January-November period of 2018 posting a 2,712 fewer births than that in the corresponding period of last year, said the Statistics Finland.
On the other side, the number of deaths in the same period in Finland was 49,475 or 495 more than that in the one year earlier. Finland’s population at end-November 2918 was standing at 5,522,015.
The total population, however, increased by 8,885 persons in the January-November period as influx of migration gain exceeded emigration of 14,574 immigration in the period. The number of births, too, was 5,689 lower than that of deaths in that period which resulted in a slight rise on the country’s total population.
According to the Preliminary Statistics in November 2018, 29,616 persons immigrated to Finland compared to 15,042 emigrated from Finland.
The number of immigrants was 7 times higher and the number of emigrants 714 lower than those figures recorded in the corresponding period of the previous year. In all, 7,924 of the immigrants and 10,105 of the emigrants were Finnish citizens.