99% children receive pentavalent vaccine
Published : 06 Feb 2019, 02:08
Almost all children in the country receive the pentavalent vaccine, according to National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).
The pentavalent vaccine protecting against diphteria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and Hib diseases is administered to 99 per cent, said a THL press release on Tuesday.
The pneumococcal vaccine has also become more popular in recent years. It has been administered to 96 per cent of children born in 2016. Similarly, 92 per cent of children have been vaccinated against rotavirus.
Despite the public debate on vaccinations, an unvaccinated child is a rarity in Finland. Only approximately one per cent of children have not received any basic vaccinations offered as part of the National Vaccination Programme by the age of three. By school age, only approximately 0.5 per cent of children remain unvaccinated.
“Strengthening vaccination coverage and trust in vaccinations is a long-term process, and good interaction between nurses at Child Healthcare Centres and families plays a key role. Professionals in municipal health care have succeeded well in their work, which is now reflected in the improved vaccination coverage. In recent years, the National Institute for Health and Welfare has offered its active support to over 100 municipalities, and over 20 000 health care professionals take part in our vaccination-themed training every year,” said Ulpu Elonsalo, Medical Specialist of THL.
Moreover, the National Institute for Health and Welfare supports health care professionals by offering daily phone counselling and consultations with an infectious disease specialist and other experts.