Thursday September 19, 2024

2016 saw 212 defence mat’ls export permits

Published : 07 Jun 2017, 01:07

Updated : 07 Jun 2017, 07:49

  DF Report
File Photo Patria.

The defence ministry in 2016 issued a total of 212 authorisations for exporting defence materials, said a government press release on Tuesday.

Most of the authorisations, 148, were issued for export of defence materials to Europe. However, in terms of volume and value, Turkey, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States accounted for the biggest share of the defence exports.

The main export products were vehicles and protective equipment, such as protection steel plates for vehicles, bulletproof vests, and helmets.

Licences were also granted, for example, for sniper rifles and ammunition. In addition, some licences were granted for limited exports of defence materials for maintenance, repairs, displaying in showrooms, and testing purposes.

The largest single export deal in 2016 was sales of vehicles to the UAE that accounted for almost half of the total volume of defence materials exports in 2016.

Issuing export licences of defence materials is always based on overall considerations on a case-by-case basis, said the official press release. In case of the exports, Finland acted in line with the international Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and the joint position of the Council of the European Union concerning the basis of issuance of export permits, the release added.

Licence applications are processed by a cross-sectoral working group on export of defence materials, which in conjunction of the foreign ministry are responsible for foreign and security policy assessment.