Friday September 27, 2024

Finland observes 4th Nature Day 2017 Saturday

Day coincides with 100-day countdown to independence centenary

Published : 24 Aug 2017, 01:46

Updated : 24 Aug 2017, 11:28

  DF Report
Photo: Markus Sirkka / Image Bank of the Environmental Administration.

Finland will observe its fourth Nature Day 2017 on 26 August through holding dozens of events across the country.

Finland has been celebrating this day on the last Saturday of August since 2013 and is the first country in the world to raise its national flag to honour the nature, said an official press release.

The previous three Nature Days 2017 were held on 4 February, 20 May, and 17 June. First Lady Jenni Haukio is the ambassador for Finnish Nature Day. This year the day also coincides with the beginning of the countdown of 100 days to the country’s independence centenary.

The main events of the 4th Nature Day 2017 are choir concerts in national parks and lighting fires along the coastline to highlight the Finnish nature’s beauty and variety. To end the day, people will be dining in the open as part of a pop-up event, Dinner under Stars, which marks the launch of “100 days to the 100-hundred” countdown.

The environment ministry led by Minister Kimmo Tiilikainen will attend the day’s events in the Uusimaa region.

At Pitkäkoski of Karkkila, Tiilikainen will inaugurate a riverside party and take part in an environment restoration project by placing gravels and pebbles in the riverbed. The project is aimed at repairing the breeding grounds of salmonids in the Karjaanjoki River basin, a heritage area.

During the day, Tiilikainen will also participate in a programme on pollination of species at the Pieni Kylä organic farm in Nuuksio, Espoo and open a concert of the YL Male Voice Choir and the Tapiola Choir in the Nuuksio National Park.

“The Finnish nature well deserves the national flag. Its beauty, diversity and the four seasons oblige us to take responsible actions on climate and environmental issues,” said Tiilikainen.

In Helsinki, Mayor Jan Vapaavuori will raise the Finnish flag and give an opening speech. The programme in the capital city on the occasion includes music performed by Stadin Juhlaorkesteri, singing together, panel discussion, and face painting for children. Also, Eino Leino will pronounce his most beautiful poems and Zacharias Topelius will read stories for chldren.

Some of the key government buildings and banquet halls usually closed to the public will open their doors and welcome people to take guided tours of the buildings as part of the August 26 government programme.

The environment ministry celebrates the day outdoors in the natural environment. The ministry’s choir, Ymmällä (Bewildered), will perform the ‘Sipoonkorvessasoi’ (Sipoonkorpi Melodies) at the Sipoonkorpi National Park in Uusimaa.

The range of events on the day is broad indeed. One may take part in the celebrations even in one’s own backyard, said the environ ministry’s press release, adding that everyone is free to register their own events at the website of Finnish Nature Days ( as part of the day’s programme.