Sunday March 16, 2025

NATO vessels to join exercise with Finnish Navy in Archipelago Sea

Published : 25 Apr 2022, 14:56

  DF Report
Photo: Finnish Navy.

Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) will visit Turku from Monday to Wednesday and will participate in an exercise lead by the Coastal Fleet in the Archipelago Sea on Thursday and Friday.

The exercise prepares the Katanpää-class Mine Hunters for the upcoming NRF readiness rotation activities, said Finnish Defence Forces in a press release.

SNMCMG1 vessels arriving in Turku are LVNS Virsaitis, ENS Sakala and HNLMS Schiedam. The vessels will not be open to public.

The visit will be concluded with Passing Exercise (PASSEX), which has a focus on mine countermeasures and seamanship.

The PASSEX aims at training participants in operating in a multinational framework.

The Finnish participants from Coastal Fleet are Katanpää-class Mine Hunters Purunpää and Vahterpää and 4th Mine Countermeasures Squadron Staff.

The exercise also enhances the execution of Katanpää-class Mine Hunters' NRF readiness rotation year 2022.

“For this year's NRF readiness rotation, the plans include, among other things, participating in the exercise BALTOPS in June. For Mine Hunter Purunpää, which will participate in BALTOPS, practicing together with the SNMCMG1 vessels now, is valuable preparation for the upcoming exercise,” said Coastal Fleet's Chief of Staff, Commander Mikko Villikari.