Benefits cut by govt to affect youths most
Published : 24 Jan 2024, 03:47
Updated : 24 Jan 2024, 03:50
The planned cuts in social security benefits by the Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP)-led four-party alliance government will severely affect the young people, according to the Social Insurance Institution-Kela.
Kela estimated that the cuts will put most negative impact on people from 16 years 29 years, particularly those within the low-income group, said Kela in a press release on Tuesday.
Their situation will be worsen further following the proposed cuts to housing, unemployment and single parent benefits.
Using the SISU microsimulation model to measure the possible sufferings of the youth, Kela´s researchers calculated that youths aged between 16 years and 29 years will suffer at different stages of their life due to the cuts.
Kela researcher Miska Simanainen said that livelihood of the families with one adult would face more vulnerable situation than the families with two adults.
Pointing out the various aspects of the youths, Kela said that the cuts in social security also have a significant negative impact on the young students.
Leaders of the conservative Kokoomus, radical rightist Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party), Suomenruotsalainenkansanpuolue (Swedish People’s Party of Finland-RKP) and the SuomenKristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats of Finland-CD) on June 16, 2023 published the program of the alliance government with the view to reshape economy.
The government’s decision created widespread controversy and people from different strata across the country including students protested it.
The cuts include €2.05 billion in social and healthcare services and €1.2 billion in social security and benefits.