Govt mulls possibilities for better utilisation of supported transport
Published : 05 Jun 2024, 03:01
Updated : 05 Jun 2024, 03:12
The Ministry of Transport and Communications has launched a project to draft legislation for an experiment concerning the development of a knowledge base for publicly supported passenger transport, said the ministry in a press release on Tuesday.
The government proposal is due to be submitted to Parliament during the autumn session 2024.
The experiment on submitting transport data to Traficom and Fintraffic will be implemented in 2026–2027.
Every year the public sector uses about one billion euros for supporting mobility. The need for transport services and the costs related to these keep growing.
New means will have to be found to ensure these services in future. First of all, this requires a more comprehensive knowledge base on publicly supported transport operations, a better understanding of their demand and supply.
A more comprehensive knowledge base can be used to further develop publicly supported transport operations and to calculate the savings potential of different kinds of development models on the basis of concrete data.
A fixed-term experiment limited to certain regions would be implemented to build the knowledge base.
Data on the demand, supply and realisation of publicly supported passenger transport operations would be submitted to the digital information service of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom and Traffic Management Company Fintraffic. The data could be linked to other data collected by Traficom and Fintraffic, such as data on traffic flows and conditions and on routes and timetables. Based on this, a comprehensive overview of the situation can be built.
The experiment would concern transport operations under the Disability Services Act and Social Welfare Act in the wellbeing services counties of North Ostrobothnia, Lapland, Kainuu and Central Ostrobothnia, and transport operations in these under the Health Insurance Act services reimbursed by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland Kela.
The experiment will not change the ways the transport operations are organised or financed or the responsibilities related to them.
The project has no impact on the daily lives of the customers using the transport services during the trial period.
A regional experiment was considered the fastest way forward to make sure that the experiment can be implemented during the present government term.
A limited experiment will provide the necessary knowledge base to support future decision-making on the need for further development of transport operations and the savings that can be achieved.
The project will be implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the wellbeing services counties involved, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland Kela, Traficom and Fintraffic.