Friday October 18, 2024

Govt survives no-confidence motion over climate policy

Published : 08 Jun 2024, 00:19

  DF Report
Environment Minister Kai Mykkänen spoke in the parliament on the motion. Photo: Finnish Parliament by Hanne Salonen.

The four-party alliance right-wing government on Friday survived a no-confidence motion brought against it in the parliament by three opposition parties over the government’s environmental and climate policies.

The government won the motion by 97 votes to 56 with 31 lawmakers remaining absent and 15 abstained.

The Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP), Vihreä liitto (Finnish Green League) and Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance)- filed the interpellation accusing the government of its reluctance to take the climate crisis seriously.

Environment Minister Kai Mykkänen, however, rejected the allegations during the parliamentary debate claiming that the country was going through accordingly to fulfill its climate targets.

Majority lawmakers-14 out of 17- of another opposition party Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party of Finland) abstained from casting votes on the motion.