Sunday October 06, 2024

Finland reduces asylum seekers´ allowance

Published : 05 Jul 2024, 04:28

  DF Report
Photo: Ministry of the Interior.

The four-party alliance government led by the Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP) has reduced the reception allowance and the spending allowance to persons entitled to reception services, said the Ministry of the Interior.

The government on Thursday proposed that the amendment to the Reception Act be approved.

The President is scheduled to approve the amendment on Friday.

The amendment will enter into force on 1 August and will remain in force temporarily until the end of 2025.

The reception allowance and the spending allowance is granted to applicants for international protection, beneficiaries of temporary protection and victims of human trafficking who do not have a municipality of residence in Finland.

The amount to be reduced would depend on whether the person is living alone, living in a joint household or having sole custody of a child, or whether the person is a child.

The amendment will be in force temporarily as the allowance amount will be reassessed in the forthcoming reform of the Reception Act.

The reception allowance will be reduced to the minimum permitted by the Constitution and the Reception Conditions Directive.

This amendment also seeks to achieve savings for balancing general government finances. It is expected to achieve savings of over EUR 16 million in 2024 and 2025.

The reception allowance is intended as a short-term benefit. The allowance is granted to persons who are in need of support and cannot earn a living through gainful employment or other income or assets.

The basic amount of the allowance helps the recipients to pay for essentials such as clothing, some basic healthcare, public transport and food, if the reception centre does not provide meals.

The spending allowance is intended for children who receive full maintenance from the reception units for minors.