Thursday October 17, 2024

Govt survives no-confidence motion over wage model plans

Published : 17 Oct 2024, 03:15

  DF Report
Photo: Finnish Parliament.

The four-party alliance right-wing government on Wednesday survived a no-confidence motion brought against it in the parliament by all the opposition parties over the move to link wage increase to the export sector.

The government won the motion by 100 votes to 77 with 22 lawmakers remaining absent.

The main opposition in the parliament Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP), oppositions Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party of Finland), Vihreä liitto (Finnish Green League), Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance) and Liike Nyt (Movement Now) - filed the interpellation on October 11 accusing the government of widening the wage gap in the sector through enacting the new law.

The government responded to the interpellation in a plenary session and after receiving the reply to the interpellation, the Parliament held a debate on the issue and proceeded to a no-confidence motion against the government or a particular minister.