Monday March 24, 2025

Finns make fewer domestic leisure trips in January

Published : 21 Mar 2025, 03:20

  DF Report
DF File Photo.

About 1.1 million domestic leisure trips with overnight stay were made in January 2025, which is one fifth fewer than one year earlier, according to Statistics Finland.

The number of leisure trips abroad remained on level with the previous year and was around 0.4 million in January 2025.

The number of domestic leisure trips with paid accommodation was 0.3 million and that of trips with free accommodation 0.8 million in January 2025.

A total of 0.3 million leisure trips abroad with overnight stay were made.

The number of trips remained on level with the previous year, but the number of overnight stays related to trips decreased by one third.

Altogether 4.0 million overnight stays during leisure trips were recorded in Finland and 3.3 million abroad.

Good 0.1 million domestic business trips with overnight stay were made, which is one quarter fewer than in the previous year.