Global displacement at almost 70-year peak in 2018, tops 70 mln: UN
Published : 19 Jun 2019, 19:47
The number of people fleeing war, persecution, and conflict exceeded 70 million in 2018, growing by 2.3 million from the year before, rising to the highest level seen in almost 70 years, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said Wednesday.
The global population of forcibly displaced increased by 2.3 million people in 2018, UNHCR said in its Global Trends report.
By the end of the year, almost 70.8 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations.
As a result, the world's forcibly displaced population remained yet again at a record high and is double the level of 20 years ago, 2.3 million more than one year ago, and corresponds to a population between that of Thailand and Turkey.
"What we see in these figures is further confirmation of a longer-term rising trend in the number of people needing safety from war, conflict, and persecution," said UN High Commissioner for Refugee Filippo Grandi.
"While language around refugees and migrants is often divisive, we are also witnessing an outpouring of generosity and solidarity, especially by communities who are themselves hosting large numbers of refugees."
Grandis said there is also unprecedented engagement by new actors, including those in development, private businesses, and individuals, which not only reflects but also delivers the spirit of the Global Compact on Refugees.
"We must build on these positive examples and redouble our solidarity with the many thousands of innocent people who are forced to flee their homes each day," said the UN refugee chief.
An estimated 13.6 million people were newly displaced due to conflict or persecution in 2018.
The number included 10.8 million individuals displaced within the borders of their own country and 2.8 million new refugees and new asylum-seekers.