Wednesday March 05, 2025

G20 ministers call for steps to boost post-pandemic labor markets

Published : 24 Jun 2021, 02:00

  DF News Desk
File Photo Xinhua.

Ministers of Labor from the world's biggest economies on Wednesday prioritized the need for reforms to help reduce gender inequality in the workplace, improve social protection systems, and adapt to changes in the workplace sparked by the coronavirus pandemic, reported Xinhua.

The ministers from the Group of 20 nations, or the G20, gathered in person in Catania, Sicily, or participated via video hookup.

Wednesday's talks were part of a broader set of G20 meetings that will culminate with the G20 Heads of State and Government Summit on Oct. 30 and 31 in Rome. Italy holds the rotating presidency of the G20 this year.

In their final communique, the ministers acknowledged the impact the pandemic has had on labor markets around the world but said the time was right to take steps now so that labor markets emerge from the pandemic stronger and more resilient than they were going in.

"We recognize the need for a coherent and human-centered policy approach that leads to greater social justice and decent work for all," the communique read. "We will continue to work together, in coordination with other ministers, and jointly with the social partners and relevant international organizations, to ensure an inclusive, sustainable and resilient recovery of our labor markets and societies."

The ministers noted that the pandemic has disproportionally affected women due to the fact that they have borne the brunt of job losses, that they are over-represented among front-line pandemic jobs, and that they are the primary caregivers in most families.

"The full empowerment of women is pivotal to ensuring an inclusive and sustainable economic recovery from the ongoing crisis," the statement said, calling for "renewed and extraordinary effort to support more and better employment opportunities for women."

Regarding social protection systems, the ministers said the pandemic exposed weaknesses in the current systems aimed at income during times of crisis.

Countries should "strengthen social protection systems toward the goal of making them flexible and responsive to crises, as well as adequate and accessible to all, paying particular attention to temporary or part-time workers, low-wage, self-employed, migrants and informal workers," the communique said.

The ministers also cast light on the global trend that has seen more workers do their jobs from home due to pandemic social distancing policies. That includes an increasing number of "gig" workers -- those paid per assignment rather than via a salary with employee benefits -- and part-time workers. The ministers said the changes were not necessarily negative, but that steps should be taken to ensure sustainability.

"While we adjust to the major changes resulting from this transformation, we must continue to ensure decent work and support sustainable business productivity," the communique said. "We will continue to foster quality flexible work arrangements for a better work-life balance while promoting decent work, safe and healthy working conditions, adequate social protection for all, [and] effective social dialogue."