UNSC adopts resolution on protection of peacekeepers
Published : 19 Aug 2021, 02:18
The Security Council on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution on the protection of peacekeepers, reported Xinhua.
Resolution 2589 calls on UN member states hosting or having hosted UN peacekeeping operations to take all appropriate measures to bring to justice perpetrators of the killing of, and all acts of violence against UN personnel; urges all parties to armed conflict to fully respect their obligations under international law; calls on host states to work with peacekeeping missions to enhance the safety and security of mission personnel, and to take all necessary measures to investigate such acts, and arrest and prosecute perpetrators of such acts.
The resolution requests the UN secretary-general to include updates on progress made by member states in this regard in his annual briefing to the Security Council on peacekeeping reform.
It further requests the secretary-general to establish a comprehensive online database of crimes against UN peacekeepers as well as information on capacity-building assistance offered by the United Nations to member states and progress they made in bringing to justice perpetrators of such crimes.
It affirms the Security Council's determination to enhance the partnership between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations to provide capacity-building assistance to host states for the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of cases of killing or harming UN personnel serving in peacekeeping operations.
The resolution requests each UN peacekeeping mission to designate a focal point for all issues related to the prevention, investigation and prosecution of the killing or harming UN peacekeepers.