Wednesday September 18, 2024

Syria consults with allies for response to U.S. missile strike

Published : 07 Apr 2017, 13:25

  DF-Xinhua Report
Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem speaks during a press conference held in Damascus, capital of Syria, on April 6, 2017. Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said on Thursday that the Syrian airstrike on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun struck a rebel depot containing chemical materials, denying that the air force fired toxic gas during the attack. Photo Xinhua.

Syria's Information Minister Ramez Turjman said his government is consulting with its allies about the response to the U.S. missile strike that targeted a Syrian air base earlier on Friday.

The minister said the Syrian leadership is consulting with Russia and Iran on the response to the "American aggression," adding that there will be a political movement soon.

Earlier in the day, the United States launched missile attack on the Shayrat Air Base in the central province of Homs, in retaliation to the alleged chemical attack on a rebel-held town in the northwestern province of Idlib.

Nearly 60 Tomahawk missiles struck the air base, nearly destroying it completely, killing six Syrian soldiers and destroying nine Syrian warplanes.

The U.S. administration said the attack comes in retaliation to the strikes by the Syrian air force on the town of Khan Sheikhoun.

Activists accused the Syrian army of firing toxic gas on the town, killing 70 people, while the Syrian army said the strike targeted an arm depot containing toxic gas, blaming the rebels for storing such materials.