Friday March 07, 2025

Female U.S. MP to take leave on sexual harassment charges

Published : 10 Feb 2018, 05:08

Updated : 10 Feb 2018, 20:07

  DF-Xinhua Report

A female U.S. lawmaker who has gained recognition for fighting against sexual misconduct, said Friday she would voluntarily take unpaid leave while an investigation against her for sexual harassment allegation takes place.

"I am certain I did not engage in the behavior I am accused of," California Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia said a day after the reported that two men accused of her having sexual misconducts to them.

The report said Daniel Fierro, who now operates a political communications firm, disclosed that Garcia cornered him at a legislative softball game in 2014, began stroking his back, squeezed his butt and attempted to grab his crotch before he extricated himself.

A second incident involving an unnamed Sacramento lobbyist in 2017 but the victim did not make any complaint about the behavior out of concern for his clients.

As a response Thursday, Garcia, a Democrat who chairs the Legislative Women's Caucus, confirmed that she attended the 2014 softball game but said the details of the complaint had never been brought to her attention.

"However, as I've said before, any claims about sexual harassment must be taken seriously, and I believe elected officials should be held to a higher standard of accountability," she said in a statement on Friday.

"I implore the Assembly Rules Committee to conduct a thorough and expeditious investigation, and I look forward to getting back to work on behalf of my constituents and for the betterment of California."

Garcia earned national recognition for her high-profile advocacy of the #MeToo movement, a nationwide grass-root campaign calling for demolishment of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.

Garcia has called for male lawmakers accused of sexual harassment, assault and misconduct to step down and refused to work with them. She and other women lawmakers also wore all black on the Senate and Assembly floors to extend the protest at the Golden Globes ceremony last month.