Friday September 20, 2024

Saudi mothers granted children's custody in non-disputed divorces

Published : 10 Mar 2018, 18:18

  DF-Xinhua Report
File Photo Xinhua

The Saudi justice ministry announced on Saturday that the custody of children will automatically go to mothers in non-disputed divorce cases, Sabq online local news reported.

Mothers don't need to file a court case to get the custody of their children, according to Justice Minister Walid Al-Samaani.

With this decision, Saudi mothers can manage all affairs of their children, and enjoy the right to travel with them outside the country without the permission of the judge.

Moreover, mothers would be entitled to any allowances provided to children from the government and civic organizations.

The move is part of many steps Saudi Arabia has taken to grant more rights to women, including working opportunities in sectors that have been limited to men for decades and the permission to drive.