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Ivanka Trump defends her use of private email account

Published : 29 Nov 2018, 02:11

  DF-Xinhua Report
Ivanka Trump (L) and her husband Jared Kushner. File Photo Xinhua.

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of U.S. President Donald Trump, has defended her use of a private email account while transitioning to a senior adviser in her father's administration.

In an interview with ABC News broadcast Wednesday, Ivanka Trump said "all of my emails are stored and preserved. There were no deletions," insisting that "there's no connection between" her situation and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

The Washington Post reported this month that the president's daughter had used a private email account to conduct official government business, raising questions about the conformity with public records rules.

"There is no restriction of using personal email," she said. "In fact, we're instructed that if we receive an email to our personal account that could relate to government work, you simply just forward it to your government account so it can be archived."

The U.S. president has defended his daughter's private email use, telling reporters at the White House last week that he looked at the matter and maintained that "they're all in presidential records."

The Presidential Records Act requires all official White House communications and records be preserved.

During her tenure as the top U.S. diplomat under former President Barack Obama, Clinton used her family's private email server for official communications. The FBI found over 100 emails containing classified information on that server.

Clinton deleted thousands of emails that she and her lawyers decided were personal or unrelated to her government post. She said she had been unaware of rules against using private email to conduct the public's business.

The controversy was a major point of discussion during 2016 U.S. presidential election, when then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump used the nickname "Crooked Hillary" to criticize Clinton, his Democratic rival, for her use of the private email server.

Trump supporters used the chant "lock her up" to imply that Clinton had committed a crime.

When asked by ABC News if the idea of "lock her up!" apply to herself, Ivanka Trump said "no."

"My emails have not been deleted, nor was there anything of substance, nothing confidential that was within them. So, there's no connection between the two things," she added.

U.S. lawmakers have planned to scrutinize Ivanka Trump's personal email use.

House Democrats have called on the White House to share more information about Ivanka Trump's email account and the nature of her messages.