Friday September 20, 2024

New rules, pay hike make NY state lawmakers rethink

Published : 21 Dec 2018, 03:35

Updated : 21 Dec 2018, 19:45

  DF Report by Saiful Huda
DF Photo.

Many New York state lawmakers will have to limit their work outside the assembly or give up their position in the assembly due to the rules coming along with new salary structure likely to be effective from January 2019.

"A state commission has raised the salaries of New York state lawmakers from USD 79,500 per annum to USD 117,000 per annum. By 2021, this salary will go up to USD 130,000 per year but will not allow outside income of more than USD 19,000 per year to any member.

I believe that the proposed salary increase for state legislators in New York is fair since there has not been one since 1999. Despite not being in session year round, being a state legislator is a full time job, and though the approved raise does not entirely reduce the need for outside income for all legislators, it is a significant step in ensuring that government officials are properly compensated,” Michael Blake, the popular Assemblyman from Bronx, told Daily Finland.

He, however, expressed his concern that the proposed amount does not coincide with inflation over the previous years and so there are still scopes for improvements in the salary structure.

The income of many assemblymen outside their salary range is from USD 100,000 to USD 400,000 per year and so experts believe that potential candidates having other skills for high income may shy away from running for 150-seat New York Assembly.

“Limits on outside income could certainly discourage good people from politics and government. Even though, legislators do not run for office to simply collect a paycheck and we are motivated by the desire to create change and make a difference in the lives of our constituents, we can't ignore the fact that persons have skills that have been developed that are valuable,” said Blake who is the Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Congress Party and has served as a Campaign Manager of President Barack Obama.

A graduate from Northwestern University and committed to public service, Michael Blake also said that given the cost of living and the travel and housing demands of being in office, many quality people, especially from low income communities, may be hindered due to no outside income.

Blake, who is also the Director of Public Policy and External Affairs for ‘Green For All’ and

Senior Advisor of ‘Operation Hope’ intends to run for District Public Advocate.

A resident of Jackson Heights and devoted to help anyone and all from all communities, Muhammad Rashid said that among the 17 candidates, so far, running for NYC Public Advocate, Michael Blake is the most competent, passionate and humble because he does not believe in making progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. What he believes, is making progress by practicing and implementing ideas because he understands and knows the reins of power.

“Serving as an Assembly Member is a great honor. It has allowed me to help people and make a difference in real and tangible ways. I look at the opportunity to serve as Public Advocate as an opportunity to expand on the work I have done thus far and serve our entire city, not just the residents of the 79th Assembly district,” he said adding that he wants to ensure jobs and justice for the people.

All said and done, New York City needs leader like Michael Blake who will not just be anti-Trump but who will fight every day for progressive values and virtues, review policies, and practice principles in order to stand indivisible with all.