Friday September 20, 2024

U.S. Senate passes stopgap bill to reopen govt

Published : 26 Jan 2019, 01:41

Updated : 26 Jan 2019, 01:42

  DF-Xinhua Report
People hold placards during a rally to protest against the partial government shutdown at Federal Plaza in Chicago, the United States, Jan. 18, 2019. Photo Xinhua.

The U.S. Senate on Friday passed a stopgap bill to reopen the government for three weeks, 35 days after the shutdown began.

The measure was approved unanimously and would head for the House of Representatives for approval.

After both chambers of Congress have signed off on the bill, it will reach the White House for final ratification.

The swift passage came after the White House and Democratic party reached a deal to fund the government until Feb. 15, while further discussing funding for a possible border wall.

Trump threatened during a speech earlier Friday that if both sides could not strike a wall deal during this period, he might allow the government shut down again or call for a state of emergency.